zaterdag 19 augustus 2017

CD-based scenery - introduction and example

For some time now I've been building scenery based on dead CD's.

Here's a simple example from 2006. Not so much a tutorial, more a "howidunnit".

First of all, take a CD. Observe that the shiny side has a raised ring in the middle. This is going to be the top side.

Sand the shiny side so whatever you're going to put on it will stick better. Gluing a bit of plastic card across the hole really prevents stuff falling through.

For the terrain layer I use a mix of  thoroughly dried course sand, and diluted white glue (10% glue, the rest water, is plenty.) Don't use to much glue/water, just enough to give the sand a sand-box texture so you can mold things like the simple hole.

Next step is a dab of black paint to accentuate the hole, and hide the fact it really isn't all that deep.

Some diluted black paint in front suggest the bare earth in front of the entrance:

Green to simulate vegetation. I always paint the surface, even if it's to be flocked afterwards, so you don't look a bare base material should some flock rub off.

Some twigs, flock and suitably dyed Icelandic moss, and a simple but effective piece of scenery done.

Skill level: kindergarten.
Costs: too low to count.
Effectiveness: 4-5 stars.

So why not build a series?

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